7 Sassy Online Tools for any Small Business
Navigating the entrepreneurial journey is no cakewalk. Wearing multiple hats and mastering tasks you may not adore can be overwhelming. Luckily, there's a silver lining – easy online tools that effortlessly handle business management, marketing, accounting, and copywriting. These tools not only simplify your workload but also save precious time, allowing you to maintain consistency effortlessly. If I may make a bold suggestion, dive into these easy online marketing tools for entrepreneurs – they're the game-changers you need to make your entrepreneurial life a breeze!
Branding Is More Than A Logo
The term "brand" originally came from an Old Norse word “brandr” which meant “to burn”. It was in reference to farmers using hot wood or iron to place a mark on their cattle over 4000 years ago. The idea of a "brand" has evolved over the years. From the Trade Mark Registration Act in 1875 which allowed companies to officially own their logos and names to our present-day where the idea of a brand has become much more than just a name or a symbol.
Working Smarter Not Harder
If you're running a business, it's important to have a support team that can help you keep things running smoothly. And while there are all sorts of different roles that can be helpful, there's one in particular that you might not have considered: an OBM, or Online Business Manager. Learn more about how an OMB can support you and your business's success.
Relationship Marketing Magic
According to The Nielsen Corporation, a global provider of market research, 92% of people trust recommendations from friends and family over any other form of advertising. Sounds crazy, right? The truth is, approximately 70% of any new business’s customers will come from referrals or recommendations made by existing customers, influencers, or fans. What are there not the same I don’t understand why they are lining up. This doesn’t make any sence to me and I am confused