Branding Is More Than A Logo

More than graphics, colors, and fonts a brand is the first impression that builds trust with your customers.

The History of Branding

The term "brand" originally came from an Old Norse word “brandr” which meant “to burn”. It was in reference to farmers using hot wood or iron to place a mark on their cattle over 4000 years ago. The idea of a "brand" has evolved over the years. From the Trade Mark Registration Act in 1875 which allowed companies to officially own their logos and names to our present-day where the idea of a brand has become much more than just a name or a symbol.

While things have changed significantly from what we brand, how we brand it, and why we leverage branding as a business tool, one thing has remained the same. Branding is about owning your company values and earning trust. Whether you are branding a product or a service the loyalty of your customers will come from creating a brand designed to build stronger relationships.

Creating A Brand

Now that we’ve got the history lesson out of the way, let’s get to the Sassy stuff. You may not be surprised to hear that the terms "brand" and logo" are regularly used interchangeably. Many entrepreneurs start off their business with a logo and a dream. That dream is often to make a passion into an income while finding a flexible work-life balance. Sound like you? Although a logo is absolutely a symbol of a business and integral to any brand strategy, it’s not encompassing of a complete brand identity.

When brainstorming your own brand identity you have to ask yourself 3 questions.

1) Who are you trying to serve?

2) What is important to them?

3) What core values do you have in common?

By asking these 3 questions you can get an understanding of your target audience and the values that will draw them to your brand. This creates a baseline that will help to align your words, actions, and stories as you build out a consistent brand identity.

Do’s and Don’t of Branding!

Do: Be authentic - Be yourself! Don't try to be something you're not. People can see through fake brands and they won't trust you. So be genuine, honest, and care about your customers.

Don’t: Fake it ‘till you make it - This is an old way of thinking and while confidence is very important, consumers now appreciate it when you own your shortcomings and are transparent with communications

Do: Be consistent - Make sure the tone of voice and messaging is the same across all channels - website, social, advertising, etc. Consistency will earn you the trust and respect of your audience.

Don’t: Be generic - Remember your branding is intended to set you apart from the crowd. You want to find creative ways to connect with your audience. Using tired clichés, and boring content is a total turn-off.

Do: Target the right audience - Think about who you are trying to serve. What do your customers want and need? Focus on their core values and make sure that your branding is speaking to them.

Don’t: Expect it to be easy - There's a reason it takes so long to create a successful brand. It's because success doesn't come easy. You have to put in the hard work, day in and day out, to separate your brand from the crowd.

Stay Sassy

Do you remember high school? That time in our lives when we are all just figuring out who we are and how we fit into the world? The parallels to creating a brand can be somewhat nostalgic. You are searching for your identity and individualism so you can present your business to the world. You want to stand out but also find the right group of people to build lasting relationships with.

Staying sassy really means “be authentic”. There's a lot of pressure to be perfect in the business world. But let's be honest, no one is perfect. In fact, being authentic and genuine is what will set you apart from the rest. So don't be afraid to show your flaws–they make you unique. And when it comes to making decisions, go with your gut instinct. After all, that's why you're successful in the first place!


There once was a small business that had a big problem. They couldn't seem to find a consistent message for their branding. Sometimes they were playful and sassy, other times they were more professional and stuffy. This inconsistency confused their customers and made them doubt the company's credibility. We know how this story ends?

I am a big believer in consistency. Think about when you are trying to eat healthy or lose weight. If you find a routine and stick to it, reaching your health goals is more attainable. The same goes for your business and branding. It may not be the most exciting thing in the world, but there's a reason why consistency is a key contributor to a business’s success. If you're not consistent in your brand messaging, your post schedules, or the use of colors in your designs your customers will get confused and see your business in a different light. They may think you are unorganized or unprofessional and lose trust in you. That trust is hard-earned to begin with and once it’s broken it’s nearly impossible to win back.

Communication Goes Both Ways

Listening is a skill, have you practiced it lately? I know I’m not the only one guilty of cutting my wife off mid-sentence (love you Mary!). If we are tuning out those closest to us we might be tuning out our customers and hurting our brand reputation. When your customers are telling you about a website that is hard to navigate, or a service time that isn’t convenient are you taking in that feedback or shrugging it off? Brand reputation is another crucial piece to how you present your brand to the world. Customers are not always going to voice their opinions or concerns so make sure you are listening when they do. If you receive negative reviews, own your shortcomings and if a circumstance was beyond your control respond without emotion. Being sincere and authentic will come through and more reasonable heads will prevail (including yours and your future customers).

Don’t Overthink It

Ok, ok I have thrown a lot at you in this article and I know most people won’t make it this far so if you are still here, THANK YOU! Here’s my final thought, a brand is not rocket science it’s a set of colors, logos, graphics, copy and operational guidelines. If you are curing cancer, sure take all the time you need, otherwise don’t take it all too seriously. At the end of it all, your brand is YOU. Be your unique and amazing self, reach out for guidance when you need it, and don’t be afraid to fail. We only learn and grow outside our comfort zones, so it’s ok to get uncomfortable it means you are building something!

Branding Resources

Jump-start your brand planning with a a free* 1hr virtual consulting session with Melissa. You will receive genuine guidance with no obligation to purchase any services!

*1 free consulting session available for new Stay Sassy Media clients


Color Matters


Working Smarter Not Harder